— what’s in your heart? name surname name surname name surname
    — a letter from name surname

    Лето здесь никогда не кончается — только растворяется в теплых сумерках, пока не вспыхнет вновь. Последний автобус уходит в пустоту ночных улиц, но впереди еще целая вечность огней, шепота листвы и шальных приключений, которые случаются только после полуночи.

    — waiting for the passengers
    кроссовер для уставших
    вечер - остановка - жасмин
    by карлос // женя // бутч // рейнира // ричи

    Вечер. Остановка. Жасмин

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    the beginning

    Форум Тем Сообщений Последнее сообщение

    the bus stop // гостевая

    ❦ At the bus stop, under the twinkling stars, you can feel magic filling the world. It seems all dreams can come true, all wishes can be granted. In that moment, you just want to close your eyes and make a wish, knowing it will surely come true.
    4 157 гостевая №1
    Сегодня 19:48:10 - Carlos Sainz

    posting wall // нужные

    ❦ The stars, like scattered diamonds against a velvet sky, twinkled with a brilliance that seemed to defy the darkness, their light a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of the universe. A gentle breeze, carrying the scent of wildflowers and freshly cut hay, whispered through the tall grasses, creating a symphony of nature's lullabies.
    2 28 нужные
    Сегодня 19:55:10 - Frank Castle

    passing echo // приемка

    ❦ people have forgotten how to tell a story. stories don’t have a middle or an end any more - they usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.
    4 7 pietro maximoff, marvel
    Сегодня 21:24:31 - Pietro Maximoff

    the billboard

    Форум Тем Сообщений Последнее сообщение

    wanderer’s pause // реклама

    ✦ Traveling with you isn't about miles or monuments; it's a voyage into the depths of our shared soul place. It's the quiet understanding in your touch, the unspoken language of our hearts, a destination where we're always home.
    Рейтинг Ролевых Ресурсов - RPG TOP
    1 11 рекламные билетики #1
    Сегодня 21:22:17 - the conductor

    nomad’s corner // партнерка

    ✦ Our love, like the wind, is ever-changing, yet always present. It carries us across unfamiliar landscapes, whispering secrets in the rustling leaves and painting vibrant sunsets across the horizon. With you, every journey, every sunrise, is a homecoming to the soul, a reminder that true love is not a destination, but the ever-evolving journey itself.
    6 13 Australia
    Сегодня 21:35:52 - the bus driver

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